落合真悟 / Shingo Ochiai
5歳よりチェロを始める。東京春音楽祭「リッカルド・ムーティ イタリア・オペラアカデミー」、堀米ゆず子アカデミーオーケストラ等音楽祭への参加、ソロ、室内楽、オーケストラ、古楽など様々な分野で演奏活動をおこなう。日本演奏家コンクール弦楽器部門第3位、特別賞、仙台K音楽コンクール等に入賞。早稲田大学文学部哲学科卒業。桐朋学園大学大学院音楽研究科修士課程チェロ専攻修了。チェロを植草ひろみ、安田謙一郎、北本秀樹、木越洋の各氏に師事。室内楽を磯村和英、練木繁夫の各氏に師事。現在同大学古楽器科においてバロックチェロ、ヴィオラ・ダ・ガンバをエマニュエル・ジラール氏に師事。
Shingo Ochiai started playing the Cello at the age of five. He has completed a degree in Philosophy at Waseda University, and has also completed a master’s degree in cello at Toho Gakuen School of Music.He studied Cello with Hiromi Uekusa, Kenichiro Yasuda, Hideki Kitamoto and Yo Kigoshi. He studied chamber music with Kazuhide Isomura, Shigeo Neriki.
He has participated in music festivals including Tokyo Spring Music Festival “Riccardo Muti Italian Opera Academy” and Yuzuko Horigome Academy Orchestra etc, and has been actively performing in various fields including solo, chamber, orchestra, and ancient music. He won the third prize and a special prize in the string section of the Japan Player’s Competition.
Currently, he is studying Baroque Cello and Viola da Gamba at Toho Gakuen School of Music, Department of period Instruments with Emmanuel Girard.